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A Valuable Tool for Onion Weed Management

Darren Faire

ETHOMATE® herbicide has proven to offer onion growers an effective new tool alongside existing weed management options.


“With several seasons use under its belt the feedback from growers that integrate ETHOMATE into their herbicide program’s continues to be extremely positive” says Darren Faire, Market Development Manager at Agrisource. He adds “We see ETHOMATE being used across all the key onion growing regions, at a range of application rates and tank mix combinations which is very pleasing”


Registered for post-emergent use in onions, ETHOMATE provides good suppression of several key weeds, including black nightshade, fathen, fumitory, hairy nightshade, spurrey, twincress, white clover and wireweed. Field experience gained from several seasons use and across all onion growing regions continues to reinforce the benefits of this suppression effect for enhanced overall weed control when used in a program with many of the other key selective herbicides typically applied in an onion weed control program. “Its ability to be tank mixed with many existing onion herbicides is a powerful benefit for growers” comments Darren. ETHOMATE is absorbed by young shoots of susceptible weeds, its post-emergence activity is targeted at very young weeds as ETHOMATE is not absorbed by leaves after the plant has produced a mature cuticle. Target weeds should be no more than the two leaf stage for optimum efficacy. With a use rate range of 900-1200mL/ha, use the higher rate if weeds are past the first true leaf stage at the time of application.


The successful performance of ETHOMATE is not a surprise to Agrisource. The products active ingredient, ethofumesate has been registered for use in New Zealand since 1975 and for some time has been registered for use specifically on onions in countries such as Australia and the USA. For a Pukekohe based, privately owned New Zealand company, Agrisource recognized the need for the onion industry to have new solutions for weed management and committed the substantial investment to secure an onion registration for ETHOMATE. “Growers need access to post emergent herbicides that are specifically registered for use on onions, carry label directions and have proven efficacy and residue profiles. ETHOMATE is the only ethofumesate brand registered for onion use. Agrisource is proud to have brought the product to market. Its another tool to help growers maximise yield and crop quality” says Darren.

® Ethomate is a registered trademark of Agri Solutions Limited. Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997 No. P9807.



For advice on how to get the best out of ETHOMATE in your post-emergent onion herbicide program this season talk to your Seed & Field agronomist.

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